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Re: Eskimo words for snow
Al Black (
Tue, 13 Dec 1994 16:10:29 EST
Alexander David King <!adk8c> writes:
| What I would like are the
| citations for Boas and Whorf essays that explicitly address
| Eskimo vocabulary. I often here many references to Boas's
| writings, but as I don't have his corpus in my head, I don't
| know which essay Mr. Woodbury is referring to, and if it is to
| Boas's main monograph on te Eskimo, which section, considering
| that it is several hundred pages?
Here are some references.
Boas F. (1911). Introduction to "The handbook of North American
Indians", vol 1, Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 40, Part 1,
Smithsonina Institution, Washington, D.C.. Reprinted by Georgetown
University Press, Washington, D.C. (1963).
Carroll, J. B. (ed) (1956). Language, Thought and Reality: Selected
Writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf. MIT Press, Cambridge Mass.
Whorf, B. L. (1940). Science and Linguistics, Technological Review
(MIT), 42, 6 (April), 229-31, 247-48. (Note that this is reprinted
in Carroll.)
You might also enjoy reading:
Martin. L. (1986). "Eskimo words for snow": A case study in the genesis
and decay of an anthropological example. American Anthropologist,
88, 2 (June), 418-213.
I'm particularly fond of the assorted illustrations that have a stove
pipe (and implicitly one of those lightweight wood stoves) exiting from
the roof of the igloos. (See Carroll, but they occasionally appear in
other textbooks.)
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