NAT-LANG is no longer active with NativeNet
Conference on American Indian Languages
Gary S. Trujillo (
Thu, 1 Aug 1991 08:50:24 GMT
Sorry the following is a bit delayed - I've been traveling a bit lately,
and haven't had much time to tend to NativeNet responsibilities.
The following is the text of an announcement I received from Louise
Campbell, Projects Officer, Informatics Applications, Communications
Research Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (613-998-2280), who is working
on a "computer coding for native language syllabics project," of which
she also sent me a description.
I'm typing in the basics of the announcement quickly, as I'm pressed
for time. Please forgive any typos. I've moved a few pieces of in-
formation to the front to make them more prominent, and I've had to
leave a number of items off, due to the shortness of time (such as
additional contact names, and a description of the sponsoring organi-
If anyone attends, perhaps you could let others know how it went
(send to "").
Plan to Attend - the 11th Annual International Conference on Native
American Language Issues (23-25 September, 1991, Prince George, B.C.)
Advance registration due June 15, 1991. (Registration is $195 -
partial attendance $75/day)
The purpose of the Native American Language Issues Institute conference
is to protect, preserve, and promote the indigenous languages of the
Americas. This is achieved by providing a facility where education
professionals, language specialists, and people of the First Nation
communities gather to discuss indigenous language concerns.
Presenters and workshop facilitators from across Canada, the United
States (including Hawaii and Alaska), and New Zealand have already
committed to attend this special conference.
Attached is a requst form for more information. If you would like more
information about the NALI '91 Institute conference, complete the
attached form and return it in the self-addressed envelope provided.
Applications to make a presentation, or to facilitate a conference
workshop will be accepted until June 15, 1991.
For more enquiries, write to:
NALI '91,
Sharon Bird, Conference Coordinator
P.O. Bag 7000,
Vanderhoof, British Columbia,
Canada, V0J 3A0
Or telephone (604) 567-9236, FAX (604) 567-3851
Conference Opening - Sunday, September 22, 1991
Displays of the school program, teacher training, and technology for
languages will be open. This multi-media display centre will remain
open from Sunday noon until 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday.
Cultural exhibits and professional displays are welcome.
NALI '91 Institute is hosted by Yinka Dene Language Institute.